5/3/2023 For every component that makes up a modern web app engineers must decide
where on the spectrum of fully-managed to custom-built the solution should
lie. It can be useful to think through the lens of entropy and extropy.
7/10/2018 dec is a tiny library that embraces constraints to afford users equivalency
between multiple ways of setting environment variables according to their
particular requirements.
3/17/2015 The three Monad laws may seem pretty abstract at first, but they're quite
practical. Let's try to internalize the laws by running through two of Scala's
most popular monads and making sure they adhere.
9/28/2014 Within any big tech corporation are many disparate teams. Most of these teams
know very little about the work, makeup or very existence of other teams, yet
they depend on each other's output, directly or indirectly.