Beautiful constraint

Trevor Hartman

The freedom to do anything you wish is rarely a good thing, whether you're an experienced engineer or a 2-year-old child. Our interests and desires are too diverse and of varying merit to actually produce anything good without constraint. That's not to say freedom is intrinsically bad: sometimes we are able to choose the right constraints ourselves; other times they are chosen for us. Either way, constraint is what guides and sometimes dictates, removes decisions and forces creative thinking. Constraint is a framework.

These are some constraints I've embraced over my years as a developer.


The terminal is a beautiful constraint. Because of its spartan nature, tools built in terminal turn out more consistent in behavior and UX, faster, and less bug-ridden than their graphical counterparts. You know right away when an app was built on Java/Swing vs native APIs. Look at all differences between UI junk in Chrome vs Safari on OS X. Then compare that to the simulated UI junk in Flash or Silverlight. Then look at Eclipse. It's grotesque and highly inconsistent.

Now compare operating systems. The way in which humans interact with a computer should be more of a UX science and less of an artifact of personalization, and especially not the whim of corporations whose interests (profit) don't necessarily align with advancing human-computer interaction.

You may say terminal is rudimentary. Well I agree, but that's part of what makes it so great. In my early days, it annoyed me greatly when I had to resort to using the terminal, but I eventually embraced it, moving all my tools and workflow into it because it's consistent, fast, reliable, and most importantly automation is intrinsic.


As many have observed, using a mouse is almost always less efficient than using a keyboard shortcut or command (there are exceptions, but not many apply to the type of work done by developers). I've increasing eschewed mouse use and it so happens that Terminal and vim are a very natural way to do so. The reliance on keyboard shortcuts is a productivity framework.


Consistent with my use of terminal and keyboard shortcuts, I use vim, though Emacs is also an excellent choice for the precise and thoughtful automation-and-productivity-minded developer. Many of the points regarding Terminal's simplicity and consistency also apply to these great editors, originally built by yesterday's technologists and finely tuned over the decades. $EDITOR only gets better with age. Vim's minimalism and simplicity give way to an uncluttered mind, allowing you to focus on the problem at hand rather than the tools—a framework for clear thinking.

Vim and Emacs vs Atom

Functional Programming

In a similar way that tools constrain us, the functional style of programming introduces tremendous restrictions on how we write programs. FP is a huge topic that I won't even attempt to cover here, but we can briefly take a look at some of its tenets and the benefits that come with.


One way to constrain your code is to implement functions purely in terms of core or library functions, as in this JavaScript example.

const mergeValues = _.compose(_.partialRight(_.reduce, _.merge), _.values);
mergeValues({ a: { foo: 1, bar: 2 }, b: { qux: 3 } });
//=> {foo: 1, bar: 2, qux: 3}

I'm specifically avoiding the use of function in the definition of mergeValues. That is a strong indicator to the reader that nothing fancy is going on here. It's simply a composition of library functions (lodash.js) which prevents me from writing any custom code. Instead, I'm forced to think of existing functions, and compose them in a way that produces intended behavior.

Composition is the foundation of reusability — a worthy pursuit.


The benefits of immutability are quite well-known by now, even among OO programmers. It prevents all sorts of nonsense like defensive copying and combinatorial explosion of possible states and aligns well with reality and intuition. After all, a value is a value. When you say 2 + 3 you are not mutating 2; you're producing a new, immutable, unchangeable value, 5. Why should 2 :: List(3) behave any differently?

Immutability enforces a restriction on how we write algorithms. No longer can we loop over some collection and store computed results on another collection via mutation. Instead we look to elegant functional constructs like map and fold.

See these excellent presentations by Rich Hickey if you'd like to go deeper on the benefits of immutability. It's a wonderful constraint.

Referential transparency

Referential transparency (RT) is an attribute of pure functions, which do not perform side effects (e.g. IO, mutation), mutate their arguments, nor depend on outside variables. RT says you can substitute the value for any expression.

val double = {x: Int => x * 2}
// => 8
// double(4) simply represents the expression 4 * 2 so let's substitute it:
4 * 2
// => 8
// 4 * 2 represents 8 so let's substitute it:
//=> 8

It's obvious how the substitution works in this context. Now imagine the use of double in a slightly wider context:

double(50) / double(5)
//=> 100 / 10
//=> 10

Running this code in your head is very easy because you can safely substitute 100 and 10. This concept of substitution scales up as your context gets wider and wider, as it naturally does in a program of any meaningful size. This is called equational reasoning. RT gives you the ability to reason locally in a small context instead of having to worry about who is mutating what or where unpredictable values are coming from. It also makes functions more testable, composable, and parallelizable.

Constraint as freedom

Being intentional about which constraints you adopt and embrace is freeing. No longer are you lost at sea, being tossed about. Your constraints are fixed, and you have the freedom to become highly skilled at working with and around them, using them as a rudder to guide you during the creative problem-solving process.

Maker, choose your constraints wisely.

Further exploration